Category:American films
Category:2005 horror films
Category:Japanese-language films
Category:2005 films
Category:Japanese horror films
Category:2000s drama films
Category:2000s psychological thriller films
Category:Japanese supernatural horror films
Category:English-language films
Category:Films directed by Kôsei Saitô
Category:Japanese drama films
Category:Films about Christianity
Category:Films about Christianity and Islam
Category:Films about death
Category:Films about fictional Presidents of the United States
Category:Films about religious violence
Category:Films about reincarnation
Category:Films about Satanism
Category:Films about snakes
Category:Films about witchcraft
Category:2000s supernatural horror films
Category:Films set in Arkansas
Category:Films shot in Arkansas
Category:Japanese supernatural horror films
Category:Japanese supernatural thriller films
Category:Reboot films
Category:Religion in science fiction
Category:Directorial debut films
Category:Films produced by Michael De Luca
Category:Live-action films based on video games
Category:Hoods Entertainment films
Category:Japanese films
Category:Films set in the 1980s
Category:Films about Islam in Japan }
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Related links: